
Wecon hmi user-defined protocol settings

When current protocols can't meet customer's need, or the customers can't find corresponding protocol to devices(modules) they developed by themselves, hmi user-defined protocol is exactly what the customers need.

Startup of ‘User-defined Protocol

1. Select ‘User-defined Protocol Connection’
2. Open the configuration dialog box of User-defined Protocol
  a. Start from the LEVI communication configuration
  b. Initiate the User-defined Protocol program separately

Program interface

.main interface

1. Instruction input: enter the instruction you want to use
2. operation type: chose the operation type of instruction:Read register or write register transmitting check: add transmitting check
3. coding method: point out the coding method of instruction:HEX or SACII
4. other settings:
  a. ‘no returning instruction: appoint that no instruction returns after a specified instruction is sent.
  b. ‘Sending after receiving instruction: appoint that receive  a specified instruction first and then send the instruction.
5. ‘single transmission’instruction: this instruction appoints specified bit to control single transmission
  a. transmission-controlled bit: set transmission-controlled bit of the instruction
6. instruction adding: add an instruction after setting paramaters
7. cancel: cancel the current operation
8. append: append a new instruction
9. modify: modify currently selceted instruction
10. delete: delete currently selceted instruction
11. clearclear all instructions and delete the configuration file
12. instructions list: browse all the adding instructions to be send
13. component addresses list: browse the addresses of adding components,which is in accordance to the sending instructions
14. import: import the configuration file user produces into the project directory
15. export: export the file user has configurated to any location 
16. browse: browse the files user has configurated
17. exit: exit the program


Check settings
1. transmit check: add check bits to an instruction
2. return check:
  a. starting position: point out the starting position of the instruction used for check calculation in an return instruction
  b. length: length of the instruction used for check calculation
  c. different with transimt check: set return check when return check is different with transmit check
3. add control characters for an instruction: add control characters for an instruction in ASCII mode

Component settings

The component parameters set in this part is in accordance to the component set in the project.

Component type: select bit component or byte component;
Component address: set the component address for the processed instruction
Component word: words for component display
Notes: simple notes on the component

Data/length setting
Note:the return data is available to read operation,while the written data is available to write operation.

Return data: point out the data part in a return instruction
  a. location: the location of the data parts first byte in the whole string of  instruction(index from 1)
  b. length: the number of bytes of the data part
written data:
  a. drive improved instruction: in this option,there is no need to set data part and check part for a sending instruction.Instead,it is added by the drive.(currently only support the situation that check part follows closely to data part)
  b. location: similar to the location of return data
  c. length: similar to the length of return data

Instruction length settings
Sending length: the program will calculate length based on the sending instruction user has set.
Return length: user sets the length of a sending instructions corresponding return instruction.

Check interface
1. entered instructionsthe sending instructions user has set.
2. participated check instructions:instructions used to calculate check bits
3. check type: check type selection
4. calculationcalculate check bits based on the check type selected
5. fetch bits from the results: fetch bits from the check bits calculated
6. instruction synthetisesynthetise the original instruction and check bits
7. results: the instruction to be send which has been added check bits


Application of WECON touch screen hmi in medical equipment

(1) The application principle of WECON touch screen hmi

Syringe pump is mainly used in the medical device to control syringes.
WECON touch screen hmi LEVI 430T and the single-chip microcomputer constitute a control system, with custom commands. Through the touch screen, commands are given to the single-chip microcomputer to control the movement of the pump, which thus control the operation of the syringe.

(2) Main Screen of WECON touch screen hmi

2.1 Main Screen
The main screen is setting screen, including patterns, flow rate, volume, and time.

2.2 Mode Screen
There are two main modes for the mode screen: push and pull.

2.3 Flow rate screen
To set the parameters of the flow rate

2.4 Capacity Screen
Same as the mode screen, it provides two capacity options.

2.5 Monitor screen
      This screen is mainly used to feed back the single-chip microcomputer data for monitoring.
      It has rate, pattern, flow velocity, time, the running time and the remaining time

(3) Conclusion

WECON touch screen hmi has comprehensive functions, is reliable and durable. Compared with other hmi products, its interface is friendly, which have brought great convenience to users’ programming and maintenance. With the development of industrial automation, WECON touch screen hmi supports plc, single-chip microcomputer and PC automation system solutions, which has become increasingly popular. WECON touch screen is a dazzling star in hmi. Its high reliability, long life and high performance make it more and more popular among end customers and automation system integrators.