(1) Introduction
Winding machine is generally divided into three types according to different industry classifications: lithium battery winding machine, capacitor winding machine, and textile winding machine. The WECON touch screen is used in the lithium battery winding machine.
(2) Features
a. Full automatic winding machine is applied in the lithium battery industry. It has rich features, high working efficiency, and achieves a full automation.
b. The touch screen utilizes WECON 102A series. With dual serial ports, it can communicate Omron CS1 series PLC.
c. The functions of engineering interface are rich, including parameter settings, machine running operation, status monitoring, and data storage, and view.
(3) Components
3.1. Figure 1 shows the automatically running monitor screen. Users can visually see the product production as well as part of the parameter settings. Besides, they can jump to another function screen at any time to do corresponding operation.
Figure 1 Automatically running monitor screen
Figure 2 shows the parameter setting screen so that users can set the engineering parameters for each process of the automatic winding machine, the working condition of which meets customers’ expectations. There are too many parameters for the winding machine to be mentioned here.
Figure 2 Project parameter setting screen
Figure 3 shows the manual operation screen so that users can turn to specify actions for machine adjustment or machine failure.
Figure 3 Manual operation screen
In addition, there are alarm screen, I/O monitoring and formulation data screen. The entire interface engineering is diverse.
(4) Conclusion
Full automatic winding machine can be said as a very common device in the lithium battery industry. Its high efficiency, stability and fully automation have a very large practicality, and thus the machine has praised by many battery manufacturers. The application of WECON touch screen in full-automatic lithium battery winding machine has well satisfied the process requirements from colors to functions.